The state of your landscape speaks volumes about your property. Benefit from a comprehensive commercial landscape maintenance plan designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations, no matter the environment or season.
Beautiful and manicured lawn makes an important positive impression on visitors, tenants and employees. You can count on our commercial landscape maintenance crews to give your property the reputation of quality. Our team provides the expertise necessary to care for your turf, trees, shrubs, and plants - providing a natural environment that enhances the appeal of all of your properties. Our property management service team will provide you with professional services within a schedule that you can rely on - leaving you with precious time and resources to devote to the many other challenges of running your business.
Shrubs, bushes and hedges are arguably the most underrated and undervalued of all landscaping plants. They possess a natural beauty that can enhance the curb appeal of your property, while providing an attractive complement to lawns, trees, gardens and hardscapes, such as walks, patios and stonewalls.
Badly overgrown, misshapen and unkempt shrubs and bushes will have a negative impact on the appearance and value of your property .
Our crews are sensible, reliable, and honest workers in taking care of your garden. We love to maintain your gardens. We provide regular maintenance;. Weeding, trimming, planting, pruning, and edging on a regular schedule that suits you and your budget.
Gardening in condominiums and commercial properties helps to spruce up the view, make it more welcoming, and add a pop of colour to your business. To manage your commercial property planters, hire professionals who are trained and experienced in interior plantscaping and maintenance.
Aeration & De-thatching involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn.
The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction and get rid of thatch. Compacted soils have too many solid particles in a certain volume or space, which prevents proper circulation of air, water and nutrients within the soil. Excess lawn thatch or heavy organic debris buried under the grass surface can also starve the roots from these essential elements.
When the long cold winter has finally drawn to a close, your lawn and garden will naturally be begging for personalized care that only the professionals at WE landscaping can provide.
We offer a spring cleanup package that includes a variety of services designed to enhance your lawn and garden including:
The spring and summer seasons have come and gone. It has been a long year for your garden and the time has come to prepare it for a long winter’s nap. We Landscape provides a fall clean up package that will properly address this issue for you.
Our fall clean up plan is designed to protect your precious garden through the long winter ahead. Some of the services include: